From Baby Crib to Single Bed: a Few Helpful Suggestions

In the parents’ eyes, children seem to grow at lightning speed. It seems like it was just yesterday that they moved from bottle to spoon and from nappies to potty. Therefore, it’s normal to be caught off guard when this big transitioning process arrives – moving from the baby crib to a big boy or girl’s bed. If your child is approaching this crucial milestone, here are a few suggestions that can help you find your way.

Don’t Rush Things

Despite having their feet completely touching the walls of the crib, many children can be reluctant at first to leave a familiar environment. As much as they are curious beings, children can often be afraid of new things. Because of this, don’t push your child until you’ve made sure he/she feels ready. You might even get an obvious hint when your little Houdini starts escaping the crib.


Get Your Child Involved (But Don’t Fulfil Every Whim)

Take your child when you go out shopping. If you’re considering a type of bed for only a few years, then it’s always good to have your kid try it out and see whether it fits in size. Your child can also help you with choosing a look. However, if you’re looking for something lasting, a bed in the form of a car, or with spiderman frame is not a good decision. Check out some timeless single beds for kids with simple bed frames and in neutral or pastel colours.

The Material Matters a Lot

Most of the single beds for kids Australia furniture stores offer are made of some form of wood. Since timber is a wide category, the materials vary in quality. Usually, the beds made out of light timber such as pine are the cheapest, however they are not a good choice if durability is important to you. On the other hand there are much stronger options such as oak, ash or maple and beds made of them can support your child from kindergarten to high-school.

The finish applied to the bed is also something you should pay especially attention to. If you consider getting a bed in a colour, make sure that the paints used are water-based and free of solvents that could have some harmful effects on your child’s health. The bedroom is where you’re little angel will spend a lot of his/her time, and breathing in toxic fumes is not something that’s considered healthy. So, if there’s a coating applied to the wood, check if it’s free of any Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC).

And once you’ve solved this dilemma, the only thing you need to do is figure out a smart way to deal with their constant excuses to skip bed.

Mia Hadson

Mia is a passionate blogger. Her obsession with beauty, health and shopping started young. Her philosophy is based on simple things, regardless of whether it is about applying makeup, decorating a room or cleaning a home. She believes simplicity is the basis of beauty and she implements this ideology in all spheres of her life.