Beer Can Refrigerator – Mind These Suggestions Before Buying

Ever since I moved into my own apartment, I’ve been having friends over almost every weekend to watch football or just chill. Because I live alone, I don’t have a large fridge in my kitchen, and I get very lazy after a few drinks, so constant trips to the kitchen and back just to grab a beer every 15 minutes gets tiresome after a while, and missing a goal because of it fills me with rage. This becomes even worse if you have a garden, and spend time outside, making the trips to the kitchen that much longer.

beer can refrigerator.

So after putting in some thought, I decided that I should just do something about it, and I came up with the perfect solution – a beer fridge. A beer can refrigerator adds so much convenience to my life, that I genuinely feel it’s the most worthwhile investment I have in my apartment. It’s extremely useful and functional, and frankly, it looks really cool.

I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of models I could pick from, so getting a beer can refrigerator that fits my specific needs was a relatively easy task. All you have to do is consider the capacity, the price and the running electrical costs and you’ll pretty much come with a narrow selection range, and then make the decision of buying the one that’s just right for you.

The types of beverage you’re going to store can also play a role. As you probably know, different beverages require different temperatures, and the size of the cans or bottles that come in also matters. Moreover, you should consider its appearance, as these fridges can come in many styles, colours and shapes. Glass door fridges, for instance, are great if you want to be able to see how much drinks you have left, and be reminded that you and your friends are probably alcoholics every time you glance over it.

As aforementioned, the initial purchase and the running costs are two important things to consider. Again, different models come with different energy efficiency levels. Some use more power than others, and that’s something you can’t ignore. Compare multiple samples, and while fridges that consume less energy may initially cost more, they might be the better investment in the long run.

And last but not least, the capacity of the fridge can make or break even the most energy efficient and affordable fridge. The internal dimensions of a beer can fridge can give you a rough estimate on its capacity. There’s nothing worse than drinking warm beer in Australia’s hellish climate. I personally find 52 or 72 can capacity fridges sufficient, as they’re not all that large, which means they don’t usually spend a lot of energy, and get the beverage cold rather quickly.

Aiden Jones

Aiden Jones is an Australian student and a freelance writer. When not studying, Aiden spends time reading about different industrial equipment, information technology (computers and networking) and sports. With his elegant writing, Aiden enriches readers with his personal perspective and never steers away from the hard truth.