Glass Pool Fencing: Important Safety Suggestion

If you’re fortunate enough to have a big enough yard and the finances to maintain a private swimming pool, then you should highly consider increasing the safety levels of the pool, as there is always a possibility of an accident, especially if you have kids. Sadly, drownings in Australia happen every year because of inadequate pool gates or fences. That’s why there are laws in every Australian state which enforce pool owners to correctly fence their pools.

Glass Pool Fencing

All fences need to comply with the AS1926.1 and meet a couple of standards:

  • It mustn’t have any climbing footholds;
  • Must be at least 1.2 metres high with no more than 1cm ground clearance;
  • Mustn’t have gaps wide enough for toddlers to squeeze through;
  • Must be made of materials and welds strong enough to withstand heavy knocks;
  • Must be rigid and strong enough that a child can’t force a gap in the bars or mesh.

There are a few styles you can choose from for your fence, it doesn’t matter which one you choose as long as it complies with the rules and regulations. Steel, glass and aluminium are usually the materials of choice. Safety glasses are becoming increasingly more popular, as all you have to do is install spigots for glass pool fencing and fit the glass into them.

In fact, a glass fence is probably the easiest to install by yourself, plus, it gives you a contemporary look. Glass is weather resistant, and contrary to popular belief, it’s very durable. The durability depends on the thickness of the glass of course, with the most common thickness being around 10 to 15 milimetres. Depending on how thick the glass you choose is, you’ll need proper spigots for glass pool fencing to perfectly fit the glass into them.

Once you build the fence, it’s important to keep it well-maintained. Check for cracks and loose panels or bars periodically. And if you have a door, make sure that the self-closing and self-latching mechanisms are working smoothly. A properly maintained fence is a safe fence. If you have kids, constant supervision is recommended. Also, make sure to remove any items that the kids can use to climb over it.

If you’re not a DIY-er, consider hiring a professional to install the fence for you. It’s better being safe than sorry as an incorrectly installed fence is a potential danger, plus, you can get a fine for breaching the fence laws. Read about all the laws and regulations in your state online and get well-informed on the matter before you start investing.
