Suggested Tips When Buying E Cigarette Starter Kit

Since e-cigarette first appeared on the market, this small yet extremely versatile vaping device has quickly become the most suitable alternative for those who want to quit tobacco smoking once and for all, but do not want to break away from nicotine.

Nowadays, e-cigarettes come in many different models and designs, all nicely ‘wrapped up’ in attractive e-cigarette starter kits that in most of cases, make the buying decision hard. Especially if you are new to vaping, then you need to know few important things before you buy e cigarette starter kit. Take a look.


Determine the Type of Power Source

When making your selection, the first thing you need to think of is what type of power source is most suitable to you. Hence, you have two possible options to choose from: automatic or manual batteries. Having an e-cigarette that runs on an automatic battery will activate the device immediately after you take a puff, while the manual battery will require to manually turn on the device before you start vaping.

Consider the PROS & CONS

Good to know is that no matter which battery type you choose, there will be particular advantages and disadvantages you will be faced with. First and most important one, automatic batteries last much longer than manual batteries, so if you are limited with the option of frequently charging your e-cigarette battery, an automatic battery is probably the best solution for you. On the other hand, e-cigarettes that run on manual batteries tend to be cheaper than automatic ones. Hence, if your budget capacities do not allow you to buy an automatic e-cigarette, a manual-battery vaping device will also perfectly do the job for you, right?

Look for Pre-Filled Cartridges

By choosing an e-cigarette starter kit with pre-filled cartridges, you won’t have to worry about spilling the e-cig liquid while refilling the cartridge. Once the pre-filled cartridge is finished, all you need to do is to throw it away and replace it with a new one. This is how you will ensure a great e-cig smoking experience in the simplest way possible.

Do You Travel a Lot?

If you are a business person that is frequently engaged in ‘must-go’ business trips, you need to buy e cigarette starter kit that features multiple cartridges and multiple batteries in case you need to quickly replace any of these parts while being away from home. Furthermore, you should buy e cigarette starter kit that comes with a traveling case, as this is what will help you to nicely organize all the e-cigarette components and protect them from getting damaged.

Mia Hadson

Mia is a passionate blogger. Her obsession with beauty, health and shopping started young. Her philosophy is based on simple things, regardless of whether it is about applying makeup, decorating a room or cleaning a home. She believes simplicity is the basis of beauty and she implements this ideology in all spheres of her life.