The Suggested Ways To Make Your Child Smarter And Happier


The most important part of a day in the life of a child is time dedicated to play. In the process of growing up, children play with different toys in different ways, each of which affects their growth and proper development. The play is natural and instinctive activity which features both satisfaction and knowledge. From the very first days of life, baby, through play, learns about the world. Play keeps babies active and helps them develop both physically and mentally. It is, thus, important to purchase age-appropriate toys to ensure normal growth. Moreover, it is imperative to purchase toys that stimulate imagination and boost kids’ reasoning, motor and social skills.

When children reach certain age, they become more independent and self-sufficient and are able to play and entertain on their own. However, instead of spending time running outside, climbing trees, playing ball or pretend role play in the outdoor play centre equipment, today’s kids are occupied and stimulated by television, video games, smartphones and internet. But parents should set limits on the use of these gadgets. Many parents do not follow this rule, though. They introduce the world of electronics to their kids early on because it is convenient. Aside from parents’ ignorance, fast-paced life which allows little or no time to be spent with families should be blamed for this. Also, society is putting too much pressure on parents and kids to avoid nature due to bacteria, pollution and dirt and increased crime rate. Thus, this ongoing trend is culprit for asthma, diabetes, obesity and mental disorders, many children suffer from.

Outdoor-Kids-ToysTo avoid your child from being diagnosed with one or more of today’s common illnesses, you need to encourage him/her to get as much play outside as possible. Before, kids used to play ball or hide-and-seek and similar social games until dark every day during summer. Today, they barely know their neighbors and have a smartphone or the latest video game for a best friend. And while it may be convenient for you, this unhealthy playtime is a hazard for your kid. Outdoor play is not just about getting dirty, but is a miracle pill that will make your child happier and smarter. It motivates imagination as rocks, dirt, trees, leaves, stones, branches, etc. are mediums that stimulate limitless creativity.

Moreover, spending time outside, reduces nervousness, stress and anxiety, enhances sleep, increases focus and concentration and promotes problem-solving, reasoning, communication, learning and motor skills. It also improves immune system and boosts health, and above all, it is way more fun than watching TV or playing video games for hours. If you are not able to visit nearby park every day, there are many outdoor toys that you can purchase for home use. And no, they are not way out of your budget. Numerous online retailers offer big discounts on these toys. Buy outdoor toys Australia online and satisfy your child’s thirst for fun. If you want your child to be smarter and happier, make it a habit of spending time with him/her outdoors.

Mia Hadson

Mia is a passionate blogger. Her obsession with beauty, health and shopping started young. Her philosophy is based on simple things, regardless of whether it is about applying makeup, decorating a room or cleaning a home. She believes simplicity is the basis of beauty and she implements this ideology in all spheres of her life.