Ever since I moved into my own apartment, I’ve been having friends over almost every weekend to watch football or just chill. Because I live alone, I don’t have a large fridge in my kitchen, and I get very lazy after a few drinks, so constant trips to the kitchen and back just to grab… continue reading →
Home & Garden
One of the most useful pieces of equipment for residential, agricultural and light commercial tasks is the water pump. They’re ideal for a wide array of tasks, such as draining and filling a swimming pool, hot tub or pond, draining water from a basement, irrigation for lawn sprinkling, draining shallow flooded spaces, distributing pesticides and… continue reading →
According to research, water heating takes up to 25% of the total energy used in an average household and it generates about 23% of the greenhouse gas emission in the country. Reducing your hot water consumption is a great way to reduce your energy bill but this would require implementing some lifestyle changes like taking… continue reading →
Long gone are the days when homes merely served for a shelter, the place to reside in staying away from predators, and the unpleasant weather conditions – homes are as much about beauty nowadays, as they are about being a safe haven. Out of the many decorating ideas, and makeover suggestions, I can’t emphasise stacked… continue reading →
It’s wonderful to be able to have so many options to choose from; this is something we, as modern day people, should feel grateful for. However, having too many options isn’t always all that positive, especially not when you end up confused, not knowing what to choose. Such is the case with many who find… continue reading →
Though there is an exaggeration when you have too much of something, there’s no such thing as too much comfort; especially not when it’s the case with the bedroom. Along the way of lifestyles shifting to accommodate the busy day to day lives of today, our bedrooms have become somewhat the rooms strictly created for… continue reading →
We all remember our childhoods with smiles on our face, seeing it as the happy period of life that had everything to do with fun and games. However, though sometimes not that apparent, it was also the period that was all about learning, and by this I don’t just mean school-related things, but life-related things… continue reading →
Not more than a decade ago we started hearing constant warnings of the effects of global warming, the most apparent being climate change. Indeed, we’ve been the witnesses of these effects, and experts continuously warn there is an irreversible impact on Australia. Good news is there is something we all, as individuals, can do to… continue reading →
Are you looking for a plant that is contemporary and easy to grow in both pots and in the ground? If so, then the Yucca plant is the right choice for you! With its lovely blossoms on tall stalks, the Yucca plant makes a beautiful addition to basically any home or lawn. The Yucca plant… continue reading →
There comes a time when we get tired of our own surroundings; admit it, you too have felt tired of the sight of your own home, all of its furnishings, and decorative items you once adored. It’s really nothing to worry about, it’s only natural to want to have some changes around your interior. You… continue reading →