I’ve always been a fan of interior décor magazines and all their images of the lovely welcoming homes. After getting the sufficient amount of decorating knowledge, I figured I was ready to test my abilities and bring some changes at home. Doing hours of search through shops just to find the adequate mirrors, paintings and… continue reading →
Home & Garden
With living conditions improving due to the effects of technology, there’s an increase of cityscapes and fast growing population worldwide. Though this is all perfect, there’s also an increase of energy consumption that people seem to have little to no notion of and of course overconsumption adds up to global warming. Thanks to Nikola Tesla… continue reading →
There’s no place like home. The cosy space we retreat to at the end of the day is more than a refuge where we go to recharge and relax. It’s the image of our personality and style. Very much like clothing we pick out. And while we take a substantial amount of time to create… continue reading →
Mornings are the absolute worst part of the day (if you didn’t get much sleep that is). If you’re anything like me, someone who’s easily woken up and can’t sleep unless all the stars are correctly aligned, then you have probably thought about doing a few things in order to secure a good night’s sleep…. continue reading →
Grab your popcorn, sit back, and read on. I am about to tell you something that might completely change your life and open a whole new dimension for you. You probably already know what I’m talking about – the home theatre couch. What? You didn’t see that coming? But, I thought the popcorn were good… continue reading →
No matter how busy we are and how much work we have left to do (kudos to you if you’re always on time with your errands), there just has to be time for relaxation and guilty pleasures. Though sweets are surely on top of the list, they go even better when accompanied with a good… continue reading →
I have admired my grandmother’s love and devotion to our family garden for many years now. I remember that when I was a child I used to sit on the porch and observe her watering the flowers and carefully cleaning the plants by removing dead or yellowing leaves. Sometimes I even followed her around and… continue reading →
Some people like taking care or their garden, some people just don’t have the time which is where ground cover plants really come in handy. They are great at covering a certain area and you don’t have to do much at all. You still need to water them and weed them, but they are much… continue reading →
Since life is so packed with daily tasks and errands, sometimes even getting out of bed can seem as a chore, especially when you feel like staying in and sleeping all day. If you are a fan of Downton Abbey you are well aware of the importance of staff at the time and feel in… continue reading →
Ah, the joy of growing your own produce! If you haven’t yet become one of the modern gardeners, it’s time for you to get inspired and take the production of food (to some degree) into your own hands. If you don’t know where to start, you can always look up some gardening tips. There are… continue reading →